About the Research Fund:

The Student Senate Research Fund was founded in 2008. The Political Affairs Director at the time, Brad Bosserman, worked with Senate’s advisor Dr. David Weinandy to form the proposal. Since then, the Fund has grown to provide many travel and conference grants along with research projects on campus.

In the summer of 2012, the Fund funded five students to do independent research under the guidance of a faculty member. Dubbed the Summer Scholars program, the Fund has plans to continue it into the future. This provides an opportunity for faculty and students to collaborate on a project during summer Any academic discipline can pursue a project. This program includes a stipend of $1500 for the student and $1000 for the faculty member. The requirements are a written report at the end of the summer, and a presentation of your results during the Research Symposium.  

Currently the Fund is in need of help to make it an even stronger fixture on the academic landscape of the college, allowing for expansion of the programs we are able to offer. Any donations, assistance with research, or even simple awareness of our efforts are crucial. The Student Senate Research Fund is run by students for students, and we hope to keep it that way long into the future.

>More on Undergraduate Student Research at AQ

>Fill out the Research Fund Application